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There are different ways through which a woman can tell if they are pregnant or not. For many years before, women have had their way of telling when they are pregnant. For many years now, as innovation has come to be, women have been presented with ways through which they can know and then test and confirm whether they are pregnant.

Some of the ways through which a woman can tell that they should test whether they are pregnant is if they notice the following;

  • If a woman usually has a regular menstrual cycle and they miss or it is delayed, then it is time to do a homemade pregnancy test.
  • Morning sickness is a condition that affects more than half the women when they are pregnant. Morning sickness will often characterized by feeling nausea and vomiting. These symptoms generally happen in the morning hours.
  • When a woman pokes their breast and they feel it to be tender, it is a good time to conduct a pregnancy test.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge which is normally accompanied by headaches.

After establishing that there is a high likelihood that they are pregnant, a woman should proceed on to picking the pregnancy testing technique they prefer. In certain circumstances, a woman will have no much choice other than to use the homemade pregnancy test. Normally, a doctor can conduct a pregnancy test but the cost which this method comes with is a great inhibitor to women taking it. Even though this is the surest way to knowing whether one is pregnant or not, there are other methods that women can use and still be satisfied whether they are pregnant or not. One of the other popular methods to follow when trying to determine whether one is pregnant or not is buying a pregnancy testing kit which is sold over the counter in most pharmacies.

There are very many women who at the time of really wanting to determine whether they are pregnant or not they happen not to be in the best place to go to the doctor or even buying a kit from the pharmacy. Such women should not throw their hands up and wait until the belly starts to push or just hanging in a state of uncertainty. What such a woman should do is to use the locally available homemade pregnancy test which will tell them whether they are pregnant or not. They can then proceed on to a hospital at a later date to confirm and be advised by a doctor accordingly.


There are very many ways that women test and actually know whether they are pregnant or not. For centuries, these methods have been used and they have been proven by the passage of time. Still, there are modern ways through which a woman can tell if they are pregnant without as much as leaving their main door. This is important for every woman so that they don’t at times spend anxious hours or even days waiting for the day that they will buy a pregnancy testing kit from the shop.

For the women who happen to be shy or weird when they go to the pharmacy to ask for a pregnancy testing kit, the homemade pregnancy test is their perfect solution, at least until they confirm with a doctor. The benefits of using the homemade kits to test for pregnancy are that they are very easy to understand, they are healthy and they are also very cheap. In some instances the testing methods can be said to be free like cutting the dandelion leaves or even using the already available bleach in the bathroom or the toothpaste.